Full Circuit Athletics, LLC. offers both individual, and small group instructional sessions.
Coaches, sign your team up today for private team training.
Individual Instruction Rates
30 Minute Sessions (Hitting, Pitching, Fielding)
1 Session: $50
60 Minute Sessions (Hitting, Pitching, Fielding)
1 Hour Session: $80
Small Group Instruction
Group sessions can be customized based on amount of players and time needed. Group instruction is a great way to get quality instruction without having to pay individual rates. (Contact fullcircuitathletics@gmail.com to inquire about a custom program for your small group)
Team Packages
Coaches please email details on what you're looking to do and we can customize a training/instructional program to your needs. (Number of sessions, length of sessions, how many kids, what age group are players, what aspects of the game you're looking to work on)